Siranush Sahakyan: Azerbaijan submitted false conclusions to ECtHR but Armenian specialists brought out the fact

The work done by the National Bureau of Expertises of Armenia on international crimes has been outstanding. Siranush Sahakyan, the Armenian prisoners’ of war representative at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and president of the International Comparative Law Center, stated this in her remarks Wednesday at the conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the National Bureau of Expertises of Armenia.

“The fight against international crimes is one of the modern challenges. And the task of the human rights community is to represent the rights of the victims of international crimes at international instances. At these instances, conclusions are submitted, the purpose of which is to form a point of view among the international community that no crimes were committed during the conflicts.

Unfortunately, we have witnessed such a vicious practice when the respondent state, Azerbaijan, submitted false conclusions at international instances, such as the ECtHR. This is one of the challenges that requires a professional approach to overcome.

As a result of the professional approach of the [aforesaid] Bureau’s employees, we were able to successfully bring out the fact through the examinations conducted. Those examinations were competitive, played a role on international platforms, and continue to play a role in substantiating Armenian arguments, establishing reality, and contributing to international justice,” added Sahakyan.