Azerbaijan carries out landmine propaganda against Armenia

A photo exhibition dedicated to landmine victims was held in Prague, Czech Republic, on October 12 and 13, “Geghard” Scientific Analytical Foundation informs Armenian

Organized by the “Gilavar Photo Club” NGO, the event was supported financially by the “Agency of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of Azerbaijan” and the Azerbaijani “Land of Fire” organization, which operates in the Czech Republic.

Titled “Feet pressing the button,” the two-day exhibition took place in Prague’s historic center at Old Town Square and Republic Square.

Project manager Rashaad Mehdiyev stated that during the exhibition, “thousands of visitors were informed in detail about the ongoing threat of landmine terrorism in Azerbaijan.”

Azerbaijan has consistently used the issue of landmines as a tool in its propaganda and information campaigns against Armenia and Armenians. This narrative is regularly promoted at the state level, becoming a key topic raised by Azerbaijani officials in international platforms and bilateral meetings. However, the focus on the mine issue is not aimed at addressing any genuine humanitarian concerns. Instead, Azerbaijan uses this issue to mask its own criminal actions, while misleading international audiences by framing it as a significant problem to make baseless accusations against Armenia.

In this context, Baku portrays itself as a victim of the conflict, shifting the international community’s attention away from the crimes committed against the Armenians of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

The “Geghard” Foundation condemns Azerbaijan’s manipulation of the mine issue and urges international partners to recognize Baku’s systematic policy of aggression, of which the exploitation of the landmine issue is a key component.