Aliyev is promising himself “Zangezur”, “Gyoycha” and “Irevan”

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev takes advantage of every appropriate and inappropriate occasion to reiterate statements about “returning to native lands”.

According to Azerbaijani presses, another occasion was the ceremony of handing of apartments and cars to the families of deceased servicemen.

“The “Eastern Zangezur” economic zone has been created. Now Armenia is hysterical. There is no point in being hysterical since Eastern Zangezur is our historic land, as well as Western Zangezur. We can’t forget the history. We can’t become hostage to the political interests of anyone. Let them come and look at the historical documents and maps, and they will see when the Soviet government ripped Zangezur from Azerbaijan and gave it to Armenia. This isn’t an old story. It happened 101 years ago. We’re telling the truth,” Aliyev declared. The reminder about “documents” and “maps” is particularly valuable. All the necessary maps are printed in Azerbaijan, and in those maps, not only Zangezur, but also almost the two poles of the Earth “historically belong” to Azerbaijan.

“Yes, Western Zangezur is the land of our forefathers and ancestors. I have said that we need to return to the land, and we will return, and we are returning. Nobody can stop us. We will definitely return since there is no other path. After opening all the communication routes, we will return, and the Azerbaijanis will return to the lands of their ancestors. The trilateral statement of November 10 states that all the refugees need to return to their native lands. Our native land is Zangezur, our native lands are Gyoycha, Irevan. Of course, we will return,” Aliyev promised.

However, Azerbaijan’s historians are speaking out and saying how Aliyev discovered a “homeland” in “Irevan”.