Grigory Karasin to Armen Grigoryan: Russia did not ‘hand over’ Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan

The statements by the secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, Armen Grigoryan, that Russia has “handed over” Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, are completely untrue. Grigory Karasin, Chair of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, said this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Karasin emphasized that Grigoryan should familiarize himself with the statements of Armenian politicians on this matter.

“This is absolutely not true. It is necessary to reflect on the notes and speeches of Armenian political figures, including the top leadership. The answers to these questions are contained there. These notes are known; let him read [them],” said the Russian lawmaker.

Earlier on Wednesday, secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan had told reporters that “Russia came, took Nagorno-Karabakh from our hands, returned [it] to Azerbaijan, then went back.” According to him, this happened at a time when Armenia was completely dependent on Russia.