Zakharova: Armenia Security Council Secretary has humiliated his people by blaming Russia for Karabakh’s loss

The secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, Armen Grigoryan, has humiliated his people by blaming Russia for the loss of Nagorno-Karabakh. Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), stated this during Wednesday’s weekly press briefing.

“As representatives of the authorities, such figures degrade their own people. Armenian citizens defended their territory, gave their lives, and considered this to be of historical importance. The ideology of Armenia as a state has been built on these concepts for many years. They knew why they were going to the battle, why they were sacrificing their well-being, condemning their wives and children to widowhood and orphanhood. And how can their memory be betrayed in such a cynical way, to zero what was called a ‘feat’ before—and, I believe, now—in Armenia,” said Zakharova.

The Russian MFA spox spoke also about “temporary rulers who are obviously fed from outside” and insult their own people.

“It’s astonishing to me how people can treat the historical memory of their long-suffering nation in such a humiliating way,” Zakharova added.

Earlier on Wednesday, secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan had told reporters that “Russia came, took Nagorno-Karabakh, returned it to Azerbaijan, then went back,” According to him, this happened at a time when Armenia was completely dependent on Russia.