“Aurora’s Sunrise”, an Armenian animated documentary, will premiere in the feature-length competition at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to be held in France on June 13-18, Bars Media reports.
“After seven long years in production, we are honored as filmmakers for our docudrama about Aurora Mardiganian – an extraordinary woman, an Armenian Genocide survivor who selflessly chose to relive her trauma all over again to help fellow survivors & expose its atrocities to the world as it was happening – make its international debut at the most prestigious animated film festival in the world,” it said.
“Aurora’s Sunrise” tells the harrowing story of Aurora Mardiganian, one of the biggest celebrities of the Golden Age of silent film. A survivor of the Armenian Genocide, she was a refugee turned actress, and the unlikely star of one of the highest grossing films of the day. She was also a face of a parallel humanitarian campaign for victims of the Genocide, which raised over $30 million ($500 million adjusted for inflation) – then the largest such fundraiser in American history.