Edmond Y. Azadian
Justice à vendre
Une justice différée est une justice refusée. Mais quand est-il d’une justice renversée, ce qui est le cas avec la Cour européenne des droits...
95 Years and Counting
No matter what your political views may be about Armenian political parties, an objective assessment of those parties requires judging them in a historic...
Justice for Sale
Justice delayed is justice denied. But how about justice overturned, which is the case with the European Court of Human Rights? The court justified...
Celebrating 25 Years of Independence in a Somber Mood
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Third Republic of Armenia, we cannot shake off the somber sentiments and concerns...
Un nouveau visage ou d’une nouvelle phase en Arménie ?
Depuis son indépendance il y a 25 ans, l'Arménie a eu trois présidents et 18 premiers ministres. La plupart des premiers ministres sont venus...
A New Face or a New Phase in Armenia?
Since its independence 25 years ago, Armenia has had three presidents and 18 prime ministers. Most of the prime ministers have come and gone...
Diplomatie, discipline et désaccord
Dans la vie arménienne actuelle, il existe des cibles privilégiées que certains aiment viser afin d’accroitre leur notoriété. Personne ne tente d'argumenter contre les...
Diplomacy, Discipline and Dissent
In the present Armenian life, there are favorite targets which many people enjoy hitting to gain notoriety. No one tries to argue against those...
La Turquie dans la tourmente de la guerre syrienne
Chaque fois que la guerre en Syrie s’intensifie et que de nouveaux développements émergent, les experts suggèrent que le conflit a atteint un sommet...
Turkey’s Grand Stand in the Syrian War
Every time the war in Syria intensifies and new developments emerge, pundits suggest that the conflict has peaked and that it can only de-escalate...