Serj Tankian introduces Justice Within Armenia petition to Reddit users

Famous musician Serj Tankian presented the petition Justice Within Armenia to the users of Reddit social news platform and responded to their questions about Armenia.

In his words, the campaign has been launched by concerned Armenians around the world who would like Armenia’s political leaders to embody integrity, accountability, wisdom, intelligence, diplomacy, compassion, effectiveness and visionary thinking in addressing the pressing needs of the people of Armenia. He urged to say NO to corruption, monopolies, judicial inequality, police brutality, unequal rights and elections tainted by fraud.

Responding to the questions, Tankian noted that in his opinion lack of corruption is a cultural phenomenon, not an economic one.  He also stressed that time will tell if the new government will change anything.

“We must not wait for a saviour. There are plenty of young, well educated, civic minded people in Armenia who can qualify to lead,” Tankian stated.

According to him, the current government needs to make immediate reforms on electoral processes.

Among other questions, Tankian was asked whether he has considered running for political office in Armenia or elsewhere. The musician answered that he considers that, but is not sure that is his vision as he has a better impact with his non-partisan artist/activist perspective and reach.

Referring to the foreign policy issues, Tankian stressed that “Ultimately there must be peace in Artsakh, Turkey must recognize the genocide and Armenia has to become more civic minded for there to be peace and prosperity in that region.”