La mine d’or d’Amulsar serait opérationnelle en 2025

Le ministre de l'Économie, Guevorg Papoyan, a exprimé l'espoir de voir les premières extraction d’or de la mine d'Amulsar l'an prochain. « Il y a...

Achat probable arménien d’avions de combat à l’Inde

L'Arménie cherche à renforcer sa défense aérienne grâce à une éventuelle coopération avec l'Inde, a rapporté l'Indian Defense Research Wing. Cela implique la mise...

Armenia begins process to purchase 84 additional units of ATAGS artillery...

The Armed Forces of Armenia have completed the testing of six units of the Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) 155 mm/52 caliber towed...

Armenia deputy FM to Turkey news agency: Kars-Gyumri railway can become...

Armenia is pleased by the “positive dynamics” in the normalization process with Türkiye and is ready for “full normalization” of relations, the Armenian Deputy...

Yeremyan Projects’ initiatives have significant potential for enhancing Armenia-Diaspora ties –...

On September 19, Lusine Yeremyan, Group Marketing and Communications Director, Deputy General Director, and Group Management Board Member of "Yeremyan Projects," participated in the...

Prospects of increasing Armenia-UAE trade discussed

Armenian Deputy Economy Minister Narek Teryan on Tuesday received Abdulla Balalaa, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Energy and Sustainability Affairs of the Ministry...

Des projets de 3 milliards de dollars entre l’Iran et l’Arménie

L'Iran a prévu une collaboration avec l'Arménie d'un montant d'environ 3 milliards de dollars, a déclaré l'ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire d'Iran en Arménie, Mehdi...

L’Arménie au sommet des BRICS

Le premier ministre arménien Nikol Pachinian participera au sommet des BRICS, réunissant Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine, Afrique du Sud, Égypte, Émirats arabes unis, Éthiopie...

Armenia to have 18 more remote science labs

By the order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia, the list of scientific topics guaranteed for funding as a...

Armenia economy ministry, Germany GIZ sign memorandum of understanding

Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan and German Agency for International Cooperation  (GIZ) Office Armenia Country Director Madeleine Rauschenberger have signed a memorandum of understanding...